Zoom Whitening vs Laser Teeth Whitening

20 May
Zoom whitening or Laser whitening?

Teeth whitening is a common procedure in the dentistry world. As you may already know, teeth can become yellowed over time for many reasons. 

In some cases, a patient could develop deep stains that may warrant a deep cleaning/whitening process. At Parkway Family Dental, we believe in educating everyone about these processes so that they know what’s going on and can make informed decisions about their health.

There are two popular methods that a cosmetic dentist can perform for whitening: Zoom whitening (bleaching) and laser whitening. We’ll go over both of them on this page, giving you more information about their benefits and potential disadvantages.

What Is Zoom Whitening?

“Zoom” is a bleaching process, and it’s often the most popular type of whitening. When you get Zoom teeth whitening, you’ll get a substance applied, which includes hydrogen peroxide. Usually, the dentist will apply some form of LED lighting during the procedure to brighten your teeth.

Depending on the method you get, it may take from 10 to 45 minutes to get your teeth white. There are a few at-home methods that involve Zoom whitening, but they may not be as effective as office treatments. Part of the reason is that dentists can use substances with higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide compared to what you can find in over-the-counter products.

The treatment may last from several months up to a year, depending on the peroxide-based gel, how well you take care of your teeth, and other factors.

As for pain/discomfort, professional whitening shouldn’t hurt, although you might feel slight discomfort. Also, you may have to deal with sensitive teeth after the procedure. However, this feeling doesn’t last long.

After Zoom Teeth Whitening in Windsor

How Does Laser Teeth Whitening Work?

Laser whitening is great for those dealing with stubborn stains. The dentist uses laser technology (which is a high-powered light) alongside strong bleach products to give you a brighter smile.

The process works similarly to Zoom whitening, and you can get great results in a single session. When you start the procedure, the dentist will apply a bleaching gel to your teeth, which contains hydrogen peroxide. 

Then, a beam of light will be directed onto your teeth, which will heat the gel and activate the components that give you a dazzling smile. Depending on the case, the procedure can take from 30 to 60 minutes.

Like with the previous treatment option, the procedure itself should not hurt, although you may experience some sensitivity during the first 24 hours.

What Are the Differences in Zoom and Laser Whitening?

As you can see, both options are perfect to give you a bright smile. The two procedures use bleaching agents, take up to an hour to get finished, and only require one session most of the time.

There are three key differences between both procedures, though. Let’s look at them:


Zoom whitening can target all your teeth at the same time. You can’t have the same range with laser whitening, which can only deal with one tooth at a time. 

On the other hand, Zoom filters out infrared energy, which helps avoid excess heat that could hurt your gums.

Overall, laser whitening could be more effective due to how strong it is, but it may not make such a difference if you’re not looking for such a bright shade of white for your teeth. Zoom whitening, on the other hand, is slightly faster and safer.


You can get both treatments in your dentist’s office without any problems. However, there are a few at-home Zoom treatments available for those who may not feel as comfortable with such a procedure yet. 

Getting these treatments could give some people the courage to take a professional whitening session, so Zoom whitening wins this category.


Zoom whitening is often more affordable than laser treatments, especially if you pick at-home products. Of course, you’d be getting a more in-depth procedure with laser whitening, but again, it won’t be much of a difference if you don’t have a severe case of staining or yellowing.


This category is tricky to cover. Both treatments can take a short time, depending on the case. Although laser whitening could take longer because it targets teeth individually, the difference isn’t considerable enough.

Neither treatment should take over one hour to complete.

You could talk to your dentist before the procedure, and they’ll gladly tell you how much time it could take based on your case. Remember, the more severe the situation, the more you can expect to spend in the office.

Sometimes, you could take several shorter sessions to ease the discomfort on your teeth. Most of the time, however, you’ll get enough effectiveness with one.


Both treatments could make you feel teeth sensitivity over the first 24 hours post-procedure. Usually, you may get more discomfort from Zoom whitening, as it often involves a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide.

Laser whitening, on the other hand, could make you feel sensitivity because of the intense light directed at your teeth. Either way, you’ll start feeling less discomfort as time passes.


There are no considerable side effects with either procedure, as long as they’re performed by a professional. If you want to make sure you’re taking the right treatment, talk to our team to determine which option suits your goals the best.

Something we should point out is that it’s harder to keep track of safety measures when it comes to at-home treatments. If you’re picking one of these for your teeth, we still recommend talking to an expert beforehand.

Which Option Is Better for You?

The best option is the one that adapts to your needs the most. As we told you previously, both treatments are great for giving you an amazing smile, and they shouldn’t hurt or make you feel too uncomfortable.

You should take your time and ask a professional before deciding which treatment suits your case the best. Remember, if you’re going for a standard whitening procedure, Zoom whitening will be more than enough, whereas laser treatments will be better to treat deeper staining.

Teeth whitening is a safe method to give your smile a fresh and outstanding look. As long as you’re safe and take as many precautions as possible, you’ll have a great time during the procedure.

Get Help from a Dental Professional at Parkway Family Dental

Our team at Parkway Family Dental commits to giving you and your loved ones a beautiful, confident smile. Whether you’re looking for professional teeth whitening, children’s dentistry, or implant services, rest assured that we have experts ready to help you.

Now that you have all the information necessary, why not schedule your appointment to get shiny, white teeth? Contact us today, and we’ll give you an overview of our whitening process.

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